Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Coleman!!

I know that I am, that seems to be the trend around here! I had to share this picture of Coleman. He had just turned one. I wish I had some baby pictures on my computer, but that was back in the day when digital cameras were so new, and not too many people even had one. Here we are 9 years later... Coleman on his 10th birthday. He is such a handsome little stinker.
Do you see the mischief in his eyes? Oh trust me it is there.... Cole is good at being a little mischevious, he keeps us on our toes, and keeps us laughing all the time.Jim has a buddy at work that wanted to come and take Coleman for a ride on his bike for his birthday. He first made him put on a tattoo and a biker hat and sunglasses. He had a blast.
Of course Alyson wanted in on the action too. I will get to her pictures, but this post is all about Cole.
Happy Birthday my sweet 10 year old. I hope the next 10 years are even better than the first 10. We all are so blessed that you joined our family. You are amazing and such a great boy. We love you. Keep being you! (I know, who else would you be, right?)


Carol Dunton said...

Happy Birthday, Coleman!! What an ADORABLE 1st birthday picture!!! Gosh, too cute! And Coleman, you are such a handsome sweet kiddo...I'm thrilled that we got to spend a year together learning and growing! You look great on that Harley! I'm sooo jealous! "Live to Ride. Ride to live!"
Mrs. Dunton
aka VB

Char @ Crap I've Made said...

Happy birthday Coleman! How fun that Jim's friend came and gave him a ride!

Unknown said...

happy birthday cute guy!
love the biker look.

Becca said...

That looks like fun! Happy Birthday Coleman! I love that picture of him as a baby too! So sweet

Lei said...

He looks more than ready to go on that bike... got his sleeves rolled up and everything! Lol!

Cute. :)

g said...

That is one handsome grown up boy you've got there!