Saturday, April 04, 2009

Tori, Tori, Tori

At 4:45 pm yesterday I get a phone call from one of Tori's friends. "Tori fell off her bike, and I think she broke her wrist". Me: "ummmm ok, can I talk to her"? Friend: "no, she is crying too much". Me: "just put the phone to her ear". Friend: "she can't talk" Nice lady who stopped to help: "I think your daughter injured her wrist, here is the address to where she is". Me: "oh, I guess she is not just being a dramatic tween".

So...I go pick her up and there are 3 friends, and 3 adults standing over her. Her arm is all swollen and she is in obvious pain. I take her home, and Coleman rides the bike home. Dad takes a look at it, and confirms that he also thinks it could be broken. So off to spend our Friday date night at urgent care. 100 co-pay and many xrays later confirm that her arm is broken in 2 places. OUCH! She is our first child to break a bone. They put her in a temporary cast, and told us to find a orthopedic on Monday to cast it.

Lucky for her she broke her right arm, and she is left handed....Unlucky for her, she plays club volleyball, and they have regions coming up. She is a good little player, and she will be missed by her team. Knocking on wood that she is the first and last to break a bone in our family!


Carol Dunton said...

Oh Tori! It happens to the best of us! My son, David, broke his wrist climbing up our backyard fence with his good shoes on...he slipped, fell and cried outside that he thought he had broken his wrist. I was on the phone to my sister-in-law in Chicago and I said, 'Oh, David is yelling that he thinks he broke his wrist...'....well...he came in the house crying... his wrist went one way and his hand the other! So we spent Sunday afternoon in the e.r.... Dr. Carruthers was not amuzed. I was pregnant with Maggie when it happened...and she's broken her's twice!!!
Where do I sign?
Take care of our Tori girl! : ))

Char @ Crap I've Made said...

Tori! Don't do that!

How many broken bones have I had since I've known you, Janer? ROFL.

Cheela said...

Hope she is okay!! Poor kid!

Becca said...

That is such a bummer! I hope that she feels better!

Unknown said...

OUCH! (double ouch!)
So sorry, Tori!
I wish I lived closer so I could sign something really cool on your cast...
Happy healing!

Sabra at Sew a Straight Line said...

ouch! I hope she heals fast.

Martha said...

Jane, please tell Victoria (I know you call her Tori, but I've never called her anything but Victoria!) I am thinking of her and I hope it heals fast. My daughter fell off the monkey bars when she was in kindergarten and broke her arm. It is no fun! Sending a big hug her way!