res·o·lu·tion [rez-uh-loo-shuhn]
The act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
I have decided that I need a course of action. I have thought about my New year resolutions for a few weeks now and I am ready to put them into writing, and make them happen.
* Find joy in the journey~ life often throws us curve balls. It doesn't always go as planned. I am resolving to find joy along the way no matter the circumstances. This last year has been a challenge. As I reflect back on the journey I am amazed at the blessings we have been given. I want to be more aware of the blessing and less focused on the challenges. We are so blessed in so many areas of our lives. That is what I am going to choose to focus on.
* Blog more~ I started this blog when we moved to Arizona so our families could see what we were up to. I have been slacking and have not blogged as often as I would like to. I want to remember events and thoughts and feelings that I experience. I am resolving to blog weekly. I know that is a resolution just waiting to be broken...I am going to make it a priority and try hard to make it happen.
*Clean out the closets~ My friend Jenny made this one of her resolutions last year and I am going to steal her idea. I want to get organized and dejunk! It amazes me how quickly stuff creeps in and takes over the closets and other areas of the house. I don't need all of this junk...I am going to tackle the closets one at a time and get organized!!
*Scrapbook~ I am really good about collecting paper and scrapbook supplies, I could sit down and scrapbook for days on end and not need to buy a single thing. I really enjoy scrapbooking, I love being creative. When I started working a few years ago I decided I didn't have time to scrapbook and I have gotten really far behind. I want to make time this year. I want to work on them on a regular basis. I have started by cleaning and organizing my scrapbook cupboard. It looks so good. I need to organize the pictures next and get all of the pictures printed that I have taken the last few years. I am going to tackle this project a little at a time. I feel overwhelmed just thinking about it, and know that is the reason it has not been a priority. I am resolving to make it a priority this year.
*Scriptures, Prayers, Temple~ You know the "sunday school answers" I resolve to make these a priority. I know that when we put these things first, we have time for all of the other things.
*Laugh more~ Laughter is the best medicine!
*Learn to muscle test~ I have wanted to learn how to do this for a long time. I am not sure why I have not had the confidence, but I am determined to learn and become good at it. I have been reading the book "The emotion code". This book talks about releasing trapped emotions and negative energy. Jim likes to call it voodoo medicine. Over the years I have seen some shifts in my health and mental well being by using energy medicine. I am excited to learn to muscle test and be able to release some of the "baggage" on my own.
I know there are a lot of other things I could/should be working on this year. I am going to start here and see how it goes.
Wish me luck!
Slow Start
1 week ago
Good LUCK!!!
You're going to SOAR.
Learn to muscle test if you need help with this one let me knowI do it all the time and you can do it for other people if they are not there. Love you
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