Wednesday, August 20, 2008

In Trouble

Yesterday a friend and I were running errands. Her 2 kids stayed at my house to play with my 2 kids. Apparently they played a little game of "truth or dare" Alyson was dared to kiss the other boy that was there playing with Coleman. She kissed him.

Jim and I talked with all of them about this, and how you don't dare someone to do something you are not suppose to be doing, blah, blah, blah.

Jim asked Alyson how many boys she planned on kissing before she got married (if you recall the kissing the boy on the bus story)

Alyson shrugged her shoulders, so Jim asked her again... her reply "I don't know, I don't know how many cute boys there are in the world"


sheri said...

that is hilarious!!!

Alissa said...

HI-freaking-LARIOUS. Poor you!

Char @ Crap I've Made said...

Well she does have a point....

melanie said...

ROFL!! Watch out!

Becca said...

OH MY!!! That made me laugh so hard! Better be careful with that one..hehehehe! WE better not let her and Macey get together..hehe!

Tifferbob said...

She's so funny and correct!

Sabra at Sew a Straight Line said...

I don't think I'll ever stop laughing at this one. Priceless.

Elle Jay Bee said...

What a cute story!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I am glad you liked my dishwasher panels. I got them at Home Depot, and they run about $20 a panel.

Hope that helps!

Jess said...

HAHA, you've gotta love that girl! Good luck with that!