Monday, September 29, 2008


I just have to say how grateful I am for your comments. Each one meant a lot to me. I loved the advice that you each gave me. VB I appreciated your concern and hugs today, and your kind words meant a lot to me. And Jenny-- gosh you are so wise, I just felt like I can do this when I read your comments, minute by minute I loved that!. It also was comforting to know that I am not alone. Thanks for the hugs from each of you, and for taking the time to comment. It's been said that God never gives us trials without giving us a friend to see us through.

I am happy to report that I am feeling quite a bit better.

I recommend the following that helped me dig a little bit out of my hole.

*Sobfest, You were right Cyl and Sheri I really did feel better after a really good cry.

* Priesthood blessing My wonderful husband gave me a blessing, in it he told me that I needed to strengthen my spiritual core, and that all else would fall into place.

* Dancing on the roof deck with my husband to Michale Buble.

* An amazing talk by President Uchtdorf. Telling us to create JOY and compassion, that is where we will find true happiness. To look outward, to serve and lift others. I just felt so good after hearing him talk. He told us to not be so hard on ourselves.

*Listening to BYU Young ambassadors "Come Unto Him" on my bed, in the dark with my Ipod. The music just lifted my spirits. Especially the song, "Let him heal your heart" (the words are below)

Who can know the heartache you are feeling deep in side? Who can know the burdens you've carried all your life. Darkness fills the daylight and the road is much too long. Where are heaven's answers and the strength to carry on? When the night is lonely and your pride and fear depart. When the tears have fallen and the questions fill your heart. Think of how He loves you, how He longs to bring you home. Reach out for His guidance. He has walked your path alone. Let Him Heal your heart. Remember every promise He has made. Reach into your soul and forsake a life of sin and He will shine that light inside again. Let Him help you start to live again and feel His endless love. Let Him hold and teach you-- love and reach you. Let Him heal your heart. There's no simple challenge. Every road is not the same. But every wrong decision is forgotten if you change. Feel His warmth surround you. See His arms are open wide. Know that He stands ready when you start to change your life. Never doubt His goodness. Don't believe that it's too late. He sees your every struggle and he knows the trials you face. Follow and believe Him. Put your trust in Him again. Change your heart forever. Let the miracle begin.

I know that when we put our trust in him, that is when we can and will feel the peace again.


Carol Dunton said...

Awwww shucks, girlfriend... 'twas nothin'.... I'm so glad you're feeling better....and may I just say how wonderfully romantic your suggestion was about dancing with your husband on the roof to Michael...?!??? That beats my pity parties hands down! : ) Hugs are always in Room 26 for you - come by any time! : )

Becca said...

I am glad you are feeling better! I hate to think of you having a hard time! I hope you know how much I appreciate, and love all that you do! You really are a wonderful person!

Unknown said...

I'm happy that you're happy. I've never heard that song by the BYU group you mentioned... BEAUTIFUL lyrics! I'll have to find a copy of that to put on MY ipod! By the way--it sounds like you took all the right medicine for what was ailing you. How wonderful to have a husband who supports you SO much.

Char @ Crap I've Made said...

Glad you feel better, Janer.


Anonymous said...

glad you are feeling better