Sunday, November 23, 2008


I ran my very first race!! I have been doing the Couch to 5K training program for the last 10-12 weeks. Starting off running for 60 seconds was difficult for me. I have never run before and was pretty excited with each week that I accomplished my goals.

I ran the Gilbert Days annual 5K

My friend Karen and I. We would often meet at the track early in the morning, or at the end of the day, whenever we could squeeze it in.
I didn't know that Jim was taking this picture. My little cheering section, Coleman and Aly.The start of the race!

This is my friend Karen coming in. She has been running longer than me, and came in 4 minutes ahead of me... her time was 32 minutes.

Now, I have to explain that here in Arizona, when the sun goes down, it is down and dark so quickly. I finished 4 minutes behind my friend, but this picture makes it look like hours...LOL! My time was 36 minutes!! My goal was to finish it, and to not walk...and I did it!
Yay!!! We did it.

It felt really good to set a goal and accomplish it. My next goal is to work on being able to run a 10K. I am waiting to experience that runners high you hear about. So far it has just been really, really hard. But I am going to keep going.


Company EIGHT said...

YAY Jane!! That is SO great!

Carol Dunton said...

You go, girl!!! What a great post and what an accomplishment!! I totally respect the work and determination you had to accomplish this goal, Jane! You really should feel fantastic about yourself!! Karen is an awesome woman and I love that you two have become such buddies like this! Continued good luck as you achieve your next goal.... like I said before... YOU GO, GIRL!! : )

Char @ Crap I've Made said...

Way to go, Janer!

Unknown said...

I'm SO impressed.
I actually run in my dreams.
It's not so hard in there.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome WTG!! I've done two 5Ks but not that fast! And I'm doing my first 10K on Thanksgiving.

Becky said...

congrats to YOU! I'm proud of you. My hat goes off to anyone who runs a race. Someday I'll do it, for now I'll just stick with my kickboxing. :)

Jess said...

You go, Jane! I'm proud of you for accomplishing your goal! I've done two 5ks now but both times I was pushing a stroller and stopping to squelch temper tantrums and things so my goal is to run an entire 5k! Thanks for the inspiration!

sweet pea dee said...

Way to go Jane!!

Lammy said...