Thursday, January 15, 2009


One of the great things about living in Arizona, is that while the rest of the country is buried in cold and snow... from my front porch, I can enjoy this! And all I want of these! A tall glass of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice is definitely a perk!

Anyone up for a visit? Have I mentioned that is is sunny here 325 days of the year?
I know, I know come July I will be singing a way different song, but for today I am loving it here.


Company EIGHT said...

I'm on my way, lol!

Becca said...

AMEN! I LOVE it here! Like you in the Summer time I will probably sing a different tune, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE our winters!

Becky said... that really YOUR grapefruit tree? I demand (nicely) that you have a giveaway on your blog and that the winner gets a nice big box of that grapefruit. :) No, that would cost too much...maybe I'll just have to move.

Sabra at Sew a Straight Line said...

You had me until grapefruit. But the flowers, the warmth, the sun, the Jane...yeah, I'd love to come visit you right now.

Char @ Crap I've Made said...

You suck!

Maybe in a few more months?

Unknown said...

That grapefruit tree looks like an ad for a gardening catalog! Ummm it's a balmy 6 degrees here right now. Yep--20 something degrees below freezing. And the sun IS shining... just not good for much other than squinting at the reflective snowy surfaces!~
I need to scrape me up some airline miles and get-away!

Meags said...

I found you again. What beautiful pics. I need to learn how to add pics. Your family looks so happy!

allie askins said...

my mom loves your lemons!

being a patient: it is at the dental school on recker and power. we don't accept any insurance, therefore the prices are cheaper.
i need patients who generally have okay oral health (like my family...) easy-ish... its my first semester taking patients, so the harder= worse. if you are interested you can call me. if you can't be a patient, or you don't want to pay.... no worries, it is ok! i will still love you plain jane :)

E said...

You are so lucky! Its been a really cold week here. This morning our car doors were frozen shut! Fresh squeezed grapefruit juice sounds amazing!