Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Picture of the day

My brother Marc has been going through all of my Dad's old slides in preparation for their 50th Wedding anniversary celebration we are having this summer. Since he has started making them digital, he has emailed to all of us a picture of the day. Oh the memories that these have brought back. We use to have some great FHE watching slide shows. My Dad took a lot of slides back in the day.

Picture #1 This is my two big brothers. Joel and Pat We lived in Seattle at the time.
Picture #2 This would be yours truly... I believe that I was about 4 or 5 in this picture.

Picture #3 is of my two brothers Sandy and Chris. They are the two brothers directly below me.

Picture #4 This is another shot of Chris. This was taken in SLC, shorlty after we moved to Utah from Washington.

Picture #5 Now this is an oldie but goodie.... I am sure that my sister is going to kill me for posting this. I might even have to put it on facebook for all of her friends to see. Hmmm maybe I can be bribed not to... (dino-sours) Hee hee just a little treat I fell in love with while we were in Canada this summer. OK this is my one and only sister Beth....back in the good old days, the 80's ruled! And see that little pesky brother in the background? Yeah, I have 8 of those...this particular one is Marc. They were always on their best behavior when you had a guy picking you up for a date, or other important things like that. (NOT!) Just seeing him in the background with his tongue stuck out just tells it all...oh the memories!!

Picture #6 This is Marc...as I was working on this post, he sent todays picture. And it is of him. Marc is # 11 in the family. #7 Tom and Orrin, in the back yard next to the chickens. If you remember the pictures I posted of my Dad's garden from this summer, you will see that it has come a LONG way. My mom made all 12 kids matching shirts. We use to wear them on family vacations.

I will have to add to this post as my brother sends us our picture of the day. It has been really fun to open up a new email everyday, and see what he has dug up.
It is fun to see that we've all come along way...My how time flies. I have been aware of that lately...not sure why. Maybe it all started with, The-picture-of-the-day.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! I didn't realize you had so many siblings! What a crazy party growing up for you! Love it. AND, I love looking at old pictures and taking that stroll down memory lane... so fun! And 50 years is certainly worth celebrating.

Company EIGHT said...

GREAT pics! Your parents are really going to love the slide show--lots of wonderful memories.

Sabra at Sew a Straight Line said...

I love pictures. How fun! We have so few from growing up, I'm jealous you get a new one every day.

Becky said...

those are GREAT pictures. I too have a brother that is doing this for our family. I LOVE it. I think you should post that one of your sister on facebook - hey...add me as your friend. :)

Becca said...

Those are awesome!!!! I hope you guys are all able to get together for the big celebrations! For my parents 50th EVERYOEN was here and it was incredible! Even if we weren't able to do anything it was the WHOLE family together, and it was so much fun to be together! I think these pictures are great! Thanks for sharing!!

Lammy said...

wow cloth diapers.
That makes me think of all the slides my dad took of us growing up.
Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Well, My sister thinks she is pretty clever, however, it wouldn't take much to dig up so wonderful photos of her that aren't so "cute"! No, really, this has been a blast and we all have our past to deal with, so what does it matter? Great work, Sis!