Sunday, February 22, 2009


Toby is our puppy. He joined our family about a year and a half ago. He is a good dog, and the kids adore him. He misses all of us when we leave for school and work. He is always so excited when we return home. As of late, when we pull into the driveway, this is what we see. Toby hanging out on the roof. It is nice and toasty warm there, and so he hangs out there all day long. Not to mention the great view he has from up there. We live next to the JR High and he is the topic of many kids as they come and go. A day doesn't go by that someone doesn't point out to me that my dog is on my roof.

We have a roof top deck on the side of the house, and he climbs up the back stairs to the deck, and then crawls under the railing and parties on the roof. Even though he has done it many, many times, I still laugh out loud every time I see him there.
I had a conversation with the dog catcher about how dogs have to be on a leash if they are in the front yard. I asked him what if they were on the roof, do they need a leash then? I don't think he really thought I was serious asking this question.


Becca said...

Toby scared the TAR out of me one day when I dropped something off at your house! I didn't even see him! Now, my kids talk about it, and laugh! I think it is so funny he likes to be up there!

Carol Dunton said...

This is too cute, Jane!! At first I was thinking that Toby was going to be a big dog, like a lab or something...when I saw the picture, I couldn't believe that that teddy bear made it up to the roof!!! How cute is this? What a sweet pup... nice to see your home is being protected from 'top to bottom' by your watch dog, Toby! : ))

Unknown said...

How FUNNY is that?!
I think any robber would find that sight so amusing, he'd be too distracted to complete the job!

Char @ Crap I've Made said...


Sabra at Sew a Straight Line said...

i bet he doesn't go up there too much in the summer. but seriously funny stuff.

also, my aunt had a dog named Toby when I was really little and for the longest time I thought that all dogs were named Toby. Just for your spreadsheet about me.

Unknown said...

What ever happened to Riley and Nally?

Becky said...

that is FUNNY! I'm laughing. What a cute dog.